Cause & Purpose - What Are You Willing To Bleed For

Word count:3913

hey this is Leo for actualised org and in this video I want to talk about cause and purpose okay cause and purpose so let's crack into this I am super pumped out right now I have literally spent the last 24 hours working I decided that I wouldn't even go to sleep because I was so freaking excited about what I'm doing what I'm sharing with you guys the cool ideas that are coming your way all the content that I have coming out all the new ideas that I have percolating in my mind and I just spent basically the whole night in the whole morning and then the whole afternoon working instead of sleeping and now I'm kind of in this little bit of a daze I only slept for about 1 hour got a 1 hour nap but I just kept working and like I have Drive I filled the drive in to someplace that I wanted to be this is the place that I wanted to be right here this is where I wanted to be just a few years ago where I was feeling listless I was feeling like I didn't have motivation I didn't feel like I was on point I needed to recreate that for myself and I needed to prove to myself that that was possible to create it but that aside let's really focus here on cause and purpose because I was really thinking about this after reading some of the comments that I've been getting here's the problem this is the problem that you have this is your problem and this is my problem too but I've probably worked on it more than you have in step there's nothing in your life that you're really willing to bleed for there's nothing that your life is about there's no cause there I mean what are you living for like honestly what are you living for are you living for tomorrow so you can go hang out with your friends you're living for tomorrow's and go go to a party get drunk go to your nine-to-five boring ass job and do something that provides no value to humanity what is your life about to be in that dead-end marriage to your inter that relationship where you're just comfortable and not growing and it's going fail and nothing is happening to be sitting in the same house in the same apartment in the same city in the same country it just kind of being comfortable they're sitting there because your circumstances keep you there that's the most convenient thing for you to be doing right now that's your cause you want to create a great life from that that's pathetic that's pathetic you have nothing that you're fighting for because in this society it's so easy now we take everything for granted life is easy we don't have to do anything but sit on our asses go do a little bit of work every now and then come back home and pick up the remote and just click through the channels go internet surfing watch some videos read some newspapers talk to some friends then Gorge yourselves full and then repeat the same process the next day this is a waste of life you're wasting your life have you seen a movie 300 it's a powerful movie and people that look at this movie and they what they see if all you see is the blood and the gore and the guts then you're missing the bigger point because what's powerful about 300 is not the testosterone blood-soaked action but it's what is being fought for there it seems like there was a time in human history at least I want to believe there was I don't know if this is true on some level I tend to think that people were lazy throughout all of history on another level I tend to think that as we advance as we get more technologically savvy we have more and more lazier but I like to think back to the Spartan times to the Roman times to the Greek times to the times of the ancient and the old where people have something that they're willing to die for it's like a soldier was willing to go to battle and fight for something that he believed in I mean sure there were mercenaries I'm sure they got paid I'm sure certain soldiers just had no other options but I'm talking about the ones that fought for something like what you have to believe what is the mindset that you have to have to be willing to go into a battle into a field of hundreds thousands of brutal men who want to chop your head off with an axe or sword think about that what like what kind of drive do you have to have to do that do you think that that person doesn't have fear no they're scared shitless but there's something driving them there's something they feel like they have to do they have a cause they have a mission they're willing to bleed for it they're willing to die for it and that's because back then one of the assumptions we can make is that a is that survival was something that was on people's minds all the time and so life was more a matter of life and death than it is today and that was more conscious - there were Wars there were famines anything could really kill you in the blink of an eye nowadays were so safe we're so comfortable but also I think back then to deal with the hardships that humans had to go through back then the brutality the unfairness I mean just think about it no real government no stability no Constitution no human rights slavery rape pillage looting struggles for power disease famine massive misunderstanding about science no technology crude crude forms of medicine mythology disinformation no access to the Internet no access to general knowledge that we have today nothing like that if you live in a world like that what would you need to survive that just psychologically not even physically psychologically to cope with that what would you need you need purpose you would need something larger than yourself I think that's one of the deep origins of religion and why religion really took root in ancient times and grew from that and really took out took off like a wildfire is because it offered people that it offered people hope it offered people something beyond themselves and today we don't really need it but 3,000 years ago I don't know maybe we maybe really we really needed it because maybe humanity could not have survived without that layer that layer of a psychology added on to our everyday lives maybe we wouldn't have survived but I think there's more religion aside I'm not talking about that issue here I'm talking about cause and purpose and believing in higher values what do you really value and I don't mean you value it by sitting on your couch and watching TV I mean practical value that means when you value something you're willing to put your sweat into it your tears into it you're willing to bleed for it and you're even willing to die for it because it's important enough for you what is that for you you need to tap into that and don't say you don't have it you have it you're just not in touch with it you've never connected with it probably because your mind has been elsewhere you have been distracted by society you have been conditioned with bad conditioning and you're not in touch with your core you're not in touch with what's important you're not in touch with what what your life should be about let me give you some suggestions how about you start to value beauty and that means instead of just saying oh that's nice you actually go out and you create something beautiful how about you value truth and that means that you work your ass off to understand what is true in this world and you wade through all the that's out there but then also you go out there and you find the truth you discover you commit your life to finding the truth to finding deeper truths helping us understand things on a more accurate deeper level and bringing that to us so that the rest of us can have a little bit of a sharper understanding of what the hell we're doing on this planet and in this universe how about that maybe becoming scientist maybe becoming a researcher a writer however you want to do that whatever that means for you truth how about love and compassion how about really honoring that you say you love but do you really love I know for many of you out there what you call love is a selfish kind of love where all you want is you want to feel love for yourself how about the kind of love where you go out and you give love is not about what you get love is about what you give it's about who you are and how you share yourself and not needing anything return for the love that you put out there how about sharing now with the world whether through your work through some sort of nonprofit organization community work or just in your family or just even in the interactions that you're having on a day-to-day level with people but putting like real attention on that so you're not just mouthing the words but you're actually doing it how about justice and order think of what we have today the piece we have become the comfort the stability that we have today that order that justice has been brought about through centuries millennia of struggle conflict brutality blood legal arguments debates people were involved with that there was a point at which it was important to actually go out there and create just laws to make sure that society is just to make sure that things are happening the way that they ought to be and not just the way that they are making society better making your company better how about that how about you dedicate your life to that to justice how about you dedicate your life to creativity what about all the profound art and culture that we have developed over the last several millennia from paintings to novels to film to music to poetry to philosophy to all the ideas the rich intellectual history that we have and that is really the source of a lot of success that we now have access to very easily especially through the internet books all cheap mostly free what kind of profound effect does that have on the trajectory of people's lives think about the profound effect that knowledge and the arts and culture has had on your life how about you commit yourself to advancing that advancing that frontline how about that how about you commit yourself to bleeding for what you believe in creatively instead of dumbing your stuff down procrastinating not putting out any work being lazy not sharing your gifts with the world holding that back because you're too weak how about you start to get in touch with that these values that I'm talking about these are the values that Abraham Maslow talked about in a psychology towards being towards a psychology of being rather where he talks about the self actualized human being and the self actualized human being is what I'm talking about here this is a human being that is living for something larger than the petty common values that most of us are living you're living for something greater than sex something greater than a little bit of stimulation something greater than a little bit of entertainment something greater than a little bit of money and security and comfort and peace of mind those are all nice but how about you make your life big something you can bleed for what do you think it's going to take to change and transform the trajectory of your life it's got to start here it's got to start with a cause it's got to start with something that is meaningful something that you can bleed for because if you don't have that you're not going to make it I guarantee you're not going to make it because even if you buy into what I'm saying right now even if you do have a cause still many of you are not going to make it because it's just too damn hard it takes too much emotional labor and toil and strain to make these ideals real it takes too much sometimes so much that you just want to curl up in a fetal position roll up on your couch and just cry because you're out there you're pushing yourself you're growing I mean I can literally make myself cry when I think about what is possible what's possible for me what's possible for you if we really commit ourselves to this commit ourselves to something greater commit your life to something that is not you stop being selfish stop wanting to get into that compeer relationship stop wanting to get into that well-paying job that can let you travel and retire early and do the 4-hour work week and not do anything else with your life stop wanting to just go party and hang out with your friends get drunk do drugs eat some food hang out with your family you can do all that stuff and I have no moral compunction about any of it go and live life do whatever you want I don't care but make your life about something point it in some direction your life is on the one hand very short on the other hand very long it's long in the sense that if you don't have any trajectory you're gonna have a lot of time that you just spend doing bunch of useless that's not going to make you fulfilled even though you think it is all it's doing is it's just like it's titillating you just look ha ha ha little titillation here and there you know a little little video game here watch little TV there hang out with some friends there you little titillation you could have all that but that should be like the garnish that's not the main dish of life the main dish of life like the steak as it were not the side dish but the steak that is your purpose and your purpose should not be you and your purpose should even be larger than your family and should be larger than your circle of friends your purpose should be humanity you advance the cause of humanity in some way whatever is meaningful for you whatever really gets you into flow whatever resonates with you I don't know what that is for everyone it's a little different you know some people like to be the truth seekers out there some people like to be the creative avant-garde types some people like to be the the people route though like the rabble rousers the people leaders the managers some people like to be the visionaries some people really like to focus some people like to go broad and think big picture other people like to go really like detail and depth and like master one little craft it's not really important you find something in that whole domain that interests you but you find something that you're willing to put the work into you do that and all those other things will still be there you can still hang out with your friend used to watch little TV you can do a video games eat little food a problem but the life has direction now it's got direction it has a chance now there's at least a little bit of a chance a sliver of a chance that it can possibly fulfill you there's actually some kind of arc to your life some sort of hero's journey that you're on you're not on a hero's journey now sitting on your ass working your nine-to-five job what is that doing is your 95 job advancing humanity this is a simple yes-or-no answer who are you working for what are you creating what is your company creating what is your business creating is you creating something that's actually useful is it creating something that's cutting edge it's creating something that's beautiful something that should exist in the world just because it's beautiful not because it's useful not because it makes a lot of money but because it's beautiful it's excellent it's living up to some high ideal is your company doing that or here is your work doing that is every hour that you're putting into your work doing that if it's not you need to change this is a wake-up call for you and this is not going to be easy but it's got to start somewhere and the only place it can start is inside you with motivation you need to start spark we're going to start sparking you that will then grow into a small flame little bit bigger flame a little bit bigger flame a little bit bigger flame and finally we're going to Kindle that into a fire that's possible if you think that people are just born that way then you're dead wrong I've proved this to myself in my life I've developed a process for how to create real lasting intrinsic motivation something that's so powerful that literally right now I feel so motivated with what I'm doing and I wasn't like this just a year or two ago so this is just something I'm living into it it's just so amazing that I literally can spend 24 hours not sleeping working on what I got to do and if you think that that's always fun it's not a lot of the work that I do is grindy tedious work it's just work is just stuff that you would think that's boring but I do it because I'm doing it towards something greater that's me bleeding for what I believe in that's me bleeding for my values and I'm not saying that I'm perfect at this I fall down and I stumble every single day and I torture myself every single day over this struggle but at least I feel like I'm struggling towards something something that is powerful because if I can Kindle that spark in at least a couple of you then that's worth it to me that's worth it to me and even if I don't I feel like this information is something that should be out there regardless people need to understand how psychology works people need to understand how to generate motivation what purpose is what life is about how to generate a fulfilling life people need to understand this I want that information out there even if nobody sees it if I shoot a good video if I put out some good insight I feel like I was on top my game when I did that I'm happy I feel happy and when you do that one of the things that you will notice I don't know if you've ever had this in your life but when you're really on your edge and you're executing full-out you feel like you can die at any moment like you can die right now and you would die with a smile on your face that's how I feel right now if I if I died while shooting this video right now after working for the last 24 hours I don't care what it would take how it would feel but I'd like to think that I would die I would smile on my face and I want that for you I want you to tap into that kind of life that's what I'm talking about I want to talk about creating an extraordinary life sometimes it's difficult to articulate this idea because it is abstract many people do not have a direct experience of it and so it's hard for them to take some of the concepts that I'm offering which are conceptual they're abstract ideas and to really pin it down and say yeah that's that's what it actually feels like that's what it's going to be this is how can I can actually see this in my life like transforming it not a theoretical level on a practical level so you can feel it so you can see it so people around you can feel it and see it right that's what I'm talking about a little hard to articulate sometimes but I think I got it in this video all right so this is Leo I would be signing off here I want you to find that cause what is your cause what are you willing to bleed for if you don't have it yet commit make it your top priority to find it your purpose right now is to find your purpose or if you already know your purpose get on track and start clarifying it even further and start taking massive action to it commit prioritize get your ass off the couch and start taking action all right I'm getting off my soapbox so leave me some comments I like to hear what you think about this like this share this spread the spark inspire somebody else and of course check out Ashlin org where we are all about how to become self actualized we've got exclusive newsletter with weekly video updates exclusive articles we've got two exclusive bonuses a 19 part video series we've also got a chance to win two free hours of coaching from myself every month a giveaway two hours of coaching to a subscriber every month so go ahead and sign up for that but really sign up because you're committed to this and you are taking some action right now just by signing up so that you're following along because this one video is enough to get you a spark in some of you it's going to get sparked I hope it didn't you but it's also going to take more it's going to take persistence on your part it's going to take hard work and that spark will need to be periodically rekindled and that's really what I'm here for is to help you do that also to give you the tools the resources the knowledge that concepts ideas that you need to carry this further because really to get to where you want to go and to stay on that path and to live to those ideals what you're going to do is grow yourself you'd have to master your own psychology and that is what actualized other work is about is how to master yourself so that you can create an extraordinary life you